Sunday, May 11, 2008


So I'm leaving from work last Saturday, and my boss asks me what I'm doing the rest of the day. I say probably bout you??? He tells me he's going to tear down his concrete silo, and I respond 'I'm in!!'

His plan is a complex yet simple one. I loved it, and his wife was terrified. He climbed to the top, chipped a hole in it, and had me stand in the bucket of the loader and hand him the end of a 150 steel elevator cable. Then, I had to climb up the ladder, hand him the cable through the hole, and pull, which was extremely scary as I am 40 feet in the air on this rinky-dink ladder holding on with one hand leaning backwards so I can pull this cable taunt. It wasn't fun.

I then climbed down, and my boss did as well. Then Josh (some random guy that showed up) began chipping around the base of the silo. I was standing next to him, and he was about a third of the way around when he looks at me and says 'I think its moving.' I get right up next to it and look, thinking its just the clouds moving. It is. I continue to look, and then I notice the clouds look like their moving the other way. It was in fact moving. We both ran back, and my boss began to pull with the loader (the cable stretched across the road).

He jerked on it, and it rocked forward, and then rocked back. I forgot to mention that the silo was right next to a hay barn and a chicken coop. There was only one way it could fall without creating a even bigger mess. Boss jerked with the loader again, and it rocked forward. We yelled ' go!! go!!' and it fell. Collapsed and blew up.

It was a lot sweeter to be there than to read about it I am sure. But it was sweet none-the-less.

Next: Adam, two raccoons and a baseball bat

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

We're back

So its been awhile.....but there will be new posts soon. One story for sure will be how to tear down a 40 ft concrete silo. Also, a short bio on Brian Meagher.


Friday, January 11, 2008

So I am at a funeral. On a roof. It is Britney Spears' funeral, and I am rolling her body around the roof as part of the funeral proceedings. And there is music playing in the background, really sad, dark music, and I continue to roll Britney Spears' body around the roof with my feet. Almost just kicking her. All the while the roof is being shingled. And it just so happens that my friends Danny and Jeremy are being shingled over. They cover Jeremy up, but don't quite make it to Danny. They run out of shingles and daylight. So with dark coming, I have to stand all night at the peak of the roof at attention. And I hear Jeremy and Danny converse:
Danny: It is really cold up here
Jeremy: Yea. My grandpa always had to do this, and he always said one thing: watch out for numero uno. So we gotta go find some wood to stay warm.

My dreams are messed up.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

I could do this

So back in the 1960's when Kennedy was president, Fidel Castro was a rising power in Cuba. Kennedy didn't like that. So he asked the CIA to come up with ways to get rid of him. Here are three plans from some of our nation's most brilliant minds.

1. Put a cream into Castro's foot powder that would make him lose his hair. This would undermine his manly image, and the Cuban people would abandon him. It didn't work.

2. Send Castro a box of exploding cigars, because a leader with no face would be a joke to the Cubans, and they wouldn't follow him again. This failed when the CIA mailed it from the main CIA office in Langley. Fidel never even opened the box.

3. Dress up a Navy Seal as Jesus. Send him to scuba dive as a 'frogman Jesus' and swim up on the shore. Have ships in the water playing 'holy music.' As people would come, frogman Jesus would tell these people that he wanted to establish his kingdom here. He needed to see their democratically elected leader. When he found out that they didn't have a democratically elected leader, he would say, 'thats to bad' and leave. The Cubans would then revolt because Castro was the reason Jesus left Cuba. When Kennedy heard of this plan, he put the kibosh on it. To bad, huh??

Thursday, November 29, 2007


Today I am grateful for my bible.

In my Greek class we do sight readings every Thursday and usually I dread them. Even though there is only five us in this class, it is still nerve racking to get up and translate on the spot. Right before my Greek class I have a class that focuses on the theology of the Reformation. In Reformation class we engaged in a very deep conversation on the separation of church and state as well as discussion pertaining to the Christian lifestyle with the perspective of the Sermon on the Mount. Today was probably one of the most intriguing conversations we have had in this class, especially with the elections coming soon.

As I went throughout these two classes I thought of how in love with the bible I have become over the past few years. Being a religion major obviously requires an extensive amount of time spent in the word, and I have savored every moment. The truths I have found over the past couple of years have proven to penetrate my heart like nothing else is capable of.

In high school I enjoyed reading, but nothing like now. I constantly look forward to the next passage of scripture and the truths found in it. The Jesus found in the bible, and all the theology that goes with it is so amazing. As I was sitting in my class trying to read the Greek New Testament I remembered how lucky I am to be able to read the bible this much. I have a major that allows me to dive into my passion everyday and I am so blessed to have that. I also have the ability to continue on in my studies at a higher level and discover even more of the bible I have come to love so much. Today was just one of those days when I realized that I am doing what I want with my life and it made me smile. I am not doing a major with a job in mind (which isn't bad on any account) but I am living out a passion.

Sunday, November 25, 2007


So deer season started. We were pushing at Troy's, and my dad shot a doe. A nice little one from about 10 feet away. We dragged it out of the swamp, and my truck was closest. So we threw it in the back. We get home. My dad says leave it in the back til morning. I wake up to go to work. I try and drag the deer out. It doesn't budge. I get up in the back end and peel the deer off of my metal truck bed. The downside of the deer is left frozen; stuck to the bed of my truck. My own little fur bed.

I'm driving down the road. 6 hours later. The hair has thawed. Hair begins swirling around. Filling my cab through the broken windows that don't shut all the way. Deer hair everywhere. 4 days later. Hair still there.
Moral: don't put the deer in your bed

Wednesday, November 07, 2007


I have never been sure what Queen Elizabeth does. I am sure she does something but who really knows. I saw a picture of her in todays news and the link was to the Top Ten Silliest British Laws. I know I should be more concerned with all the other stuff I read in the news today, but I thought this was funny.

Most ridiculous British law:

1. It is illegal to die in the Houses of Parliament

2. It is an act of treason to place a postage stamp bearing the British monarch upside-down

3. In Liverpool, it is illegal for a woman to be topless except as a clerk in a tropical fish store

4. Mince pies cannot be eaten on Christmas Day

5. In Scotland, if someone knocks on your door and requires the use of your toilet, you must let them enter

6. A pregnant woman can legally relieve herself anywhere she wants, including in a policeman's helmet

7. The head of any dead whale found on the British coast automatically becomes the property of the king, and the tail of the queen

8. It is illegal to avoid telling the tax man anything you do not want him to know, but legal not to tell him information you do not mind him knowing

9. It is illegal to enter the Houses of Parliament in a suit of armour

10. In the city of York it is legal to murder a Scotsman within the ancient city walls, but only if he is carrying a bow and arrow

Tuesday, November 06, 2007


So once upon a time I was a skinny, awkward young man in the sixth grade. Nothing much has changed since then. But the fact remains: I wanted to shoot a deer, despite the fact that I was like 12. So I talked my dad into letting me go out. I took my little $100 bow and arrow, and my dad sat me in a treestand. After an hour or so, a nice little six point walks up. To this day I would still shoot the same deer. My mind was racing. I am gonna be the sweetest kid in the sixth grade. Who else has shot a 6 point buck? I raised the bow up, and all 95 pounds of me yanked the string back. I lined the shot up, and let 'er fly. Perfect shot, kill zone, executed with textbook perfection. I watched, in slow motion, the arrow fly a perfectly straight line and hit the deer. Thud. The arrow then proceeded to bounce off of the deer. The beautiful six point then ran away, leaving a hair-tipped arrow laying on the ground, and a broken-hearted little soul sitting in a tree.
Moral: really isn't one for this story....I apologize
(By the way, I have only told this story to like 3 people in my life. It was a secret until now.)


This year I have been trying to handle my finances in a way that is both wise and faith based. I have made a few personal decisions that allow me to accept God's monetary blessing as well as sharing my money with those who need it more. It comes easy to simply throw my money at different charities and I do believe that there are many good causes that need finical help. But for me, this does not seem the wisest move. I have been doing a lot of reading about different ways of helping people financially and I recently have come across (via a professor) something that is really beneficial to those who have money to give, but also those need to think about the future. There is an organization named Kiva that allows you to give money to people in rough circumstances as a loan. Kiva finds people, mostly in third world countries, that have a plan for a business and need a loan to get there. All the money you give them is payed back in a certain time frame that is established when you give. The world does not need people to give more money, the world needs those who have to help those who don't establish a means of obtaining money. The business that the individuals participating in Kiva are trying to build are explained right in their profile and I really believe that this is a good use of money. This is a way on empowering people to build an independent life where they can become responsible for their own monetary issues. Also, this gives us a chance to give, but still have. The sums of money these people are asking for are not huge amounts of cash. They are asking for installments of 500-1000 most of the time. Even then, you are not required to give that much money. Through Kiva you are able to lend as much as your circumstances will allow.

To me, this is a solid method of empowering the poor to overcome their circumstances while still maintaining good finances in your own life. Right now I am trying to save for when I graduate and this fits perfectly into that plan. If I am saving my money I am not using it, so it makes to let someone else use it for a year and then have it paid back in full.

You can check it out at

He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for His Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God. - Proverbs 14:31

Sunday, November 04, 2007


I once had a favorite quote. It said something about hope being the single most important ingredient in changing the world. At the time I believed that nothing was more true than what that quote said. 20 years of living in this wasteland has taught me the same idea, in a different light.

Nothing has ever changed my world as much as hope. Hope stepped over every piece of warmth that was once in my heart. Hope can change the world. Unfortunately, hope changes the world into a bucket in which ridiculous ideas of love and happiness are repeatedly dropped into and forgotten about. One more thought hope of good only leads to one more disappointment and that is what is changing our world. This fluffy idea that good happens, but needs to predicated by hope only places people on a wall they are determined to fall from. People are being destroyed everyday because they believe that there is more. They build houses around fantasies that will never cross over into reality. How many tears have been predicated upon failing hope? You cannot crush a dream if you refuse to let it exist. People only hurt you because you are placing the knife in their hand.

Instead if hoping, people need to start realizing. Realizing that the heart of life is not good. Realize that circumstances do not work out and people are nothing more than fools. We need to stop living as if reality is some dream and believing that hope is our doorway into heaven. Start making the best of your situation and realize that you are your greatest gift. No one is going to come running with open arms appealing for your salvation. Stop laying your heart out for everyone to play with. Don't show all the cards in your hand cause you will never have the right hand. Do what you know is right, live the best you can and yearn for glory, but don't place value in hope. Hope is nothing more than a cloud consisting of allusions of better that we cannot help but fall through.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Story from the Past

Lately a story from my past has been popping up. I believe it is a really funny story so I will share. I do not remember all the details exactly so I will probably make some of it up.

A bunch of friends are I were all hanging out. Like a lot of nights in high school, we were relaxing at someones house watching a movie and enjoying life. I believe we ended up watching Texas Chainsaw Massacre (great movie.) When it got late we all decided to head home.

Now, I don't really remember what I did to get in trouble, but I do know that I was in trouble with my girlfriend. Knowing how I acted at that point in my life, I probably said something really stupid and mean to her. Looking back, I find that I could have had a pretty good relationship in high school if I had just kept my mouth closed. But, like everything else in life, my expectations kill everything that is of great worth.


So I am in trouble with the women but whats new. I decided to drive off with a few of my boys and a few relationship mistakes to add to the list. I think we left and went to play the lottery for a while. Playing the lottery was a frequent waste of money for my friends and I. I am pretty sure the most I have ever won is 10 bucks and I am also sure I spent the winnings on more lottery tickets. However, while we are playing the lottery I conjured up a brilliant idea. Since we had just watched a scary movie, and the girls were a little on edge, I decided we should scare them that night.

I knew it was stupid. I knew I was already in a lot of trouble, but I knew it was going to be worth it. I called my girlfriend and found out she was headed to our friends (Pastors daughter) house to spend the night. The house they were going to has one of those privacy fences enclosing their sidewalk. We decided that we would hide behind the fence then jump out and scare them. Not the most creative joke, but the results surpassed all of our expectations.

They pull up as we are already hiding behind the fence. In high school I drove ridiculously fast so it was real easy to get there before them. At any rate, were there and they start walking up as it is completely dark outside. All three of us jump out at them and yell. Our hollering at them was immediately met with yells that the deaf would hear. The screams we were hearing were screams of sheer horror. Dogs were howling for miles because of their screams. Both of them jump a mile. I am pretty sure my girlfriend jumped into the wall. Sucker. After their heartbeat came back down to normal levels they finally realize who it is. That look of hatred that your significant other is always so talented at starts showing up. My girlfriend was pissed.

Not even a minute after their scream our Pastor comes running out of the house. This is a 50 year old man at a full sprint. He was definitely in his pj's with no shirt on. He was just as scared as the two girls. Triple burn. He realizes what happens and forces an awkward smile. As us guys are laughing it up we realize that my girlfriends friend has literally peed her pants. How could it get any better? We had girls running into walls, people peeing their pants, pastors running outdoors half naked. They got burned.

Mine and the girls situation did not really improve that night. The guys and I had a great laugh so it was all worth it.

Sunday, October 28, 2007


So once upon a time I had a friend. He asked me to cut his hair. I said okay. So I grabbed the electric razor and went up the back of his head. Well the guard wasn't on and a 2 inch wide streak of bald scalp appeared up the back of his head. He wasn't to happy.
Moral: don't let me cut your hair


I really can't think of anything to blog about so I figured I would take a few clips of a paper I just wrote and use that instead. The paper is on scripture and tradition and this is from a section on how to read scripture. Enjoy.

The reading of scripture is divided into two perspectives of interpretation. The most common reading of scripture is to believe that the gospels are primarily an example of Christ life that we as Christians should pertain to. However, this interpretation of the text is the least important for on this level of Christ being an example He is just a far removed as our church fathers. His life remains detached from ours and does not bid anything of substance to our existence. In fact, as Luther would suggest knowing Christ as a mere moral example only announces our lives as hypocritical. Therefore we must maintain that Christ should be manifested on a much higher level than just an example.

The foundation of scripture is that Christ has been given to us not just as an example, but as a gift. Romans 8:32, “He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him over for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things?” This is the paramount of understanding scripture: that Christ as been birthed to us so that we may participate with Him, and through Him, in the divine nature experiencing the fulfillment of Christ life as it penetrates and overwhelms our own. The glory of God is most adequately uttered in whispers that Jesus deeds and sufferings are now attributed to us. Jesus, in all His brilliance and power is now ours thereby equipping us to diligently fight against the kingdom of darkness.

When Christ life has become the principal blessing of our salvation, we can then look at Christ life as an example, allocating ourselves to love and to our neighbor as we find Christ did. The struggle here is to live in the free exchange of moral words and moral verve because the lexis sketched out in the scriptures is designed to elevate us into to the open doors of sanctification. Through the reading of scripture our secondary responsibility (after seeing Christ as a blessing) focuses on uncovering the different shades and tones of Christian livelihood that comprise God’s moral standard. It is our obligation to interact with scripture as a moral vade mecum. With this it becomes possible to appropriately navigate ourselves down the narrow road by capitalizing on each truth exposed by a tropological undressing of the text. All other interpretations of scripture flow beneath the bridge of the tropological perspective for we do not wish to concentrate ourselves on a mere factual knowledge of faith; instead we must desire to cross over into the land of deliverance and purification. That bridge can only traveled by obedience and faithfulness to what we find true of Christ in the scriptures and is empowered by the gift of Christ life.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


So this morning, I slept in. I woke up at 6, said to myself I'll just lay here for a sec, and that sec turned into an hour. At that point I was a half hour late for Army PT. I jumped out of my chair (yes I sleep in a chair) and took off across the room. It was dark, mind you. I only made it as far as our little foot stool deal, however, where I proceeded to biff it right onto my roommate, who was sleeping on our futon. JJ (Jason to some) looked up, confused, and rolled back over.

I made it the rest of the way, grabbed my clothes out of my drawer, and then decided I needed to get a quick drink of chocolate milk. I scrambled across the room, heedless once again of this stupid little black stool, and biffed it harder than before, knocked over the fan rather loudly, and ended up with my body on the floor and my face on my chair. I was so pissed it was unbelievable. It also hurt rather profusely. I finally made it out the door, and 6 hours later my shins still hurt.
Moral: just do it with the lights on

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Its like 1 in the morning. I am driving, and me and my good buddy Abram are in the middle of no where, Kansas, in my crappy little (really really little) pickup. We are trying to find a side road to sleep in the back end. I turn down this little dirt road, and as soon as Abram sees two normal house dogs he yells 'theres two coyotes!!!' I laugh, and the dogs begin to bark. He says, 'go turn around and we'll try another road.'

So I drive down the road a few hundred yards and begin to perform my perfect 4 point turn. As I make the first turn, I pull right up to this two foot ditch. I put the truck in reverse (so i thought) and as I looked back we rolled forward into this ditch. I swore. Abram was pissed. And as I tried to back out, I came to the realization that we were stuck pretty well. So I rocked the truck forward and slammed it backward out of the ditch. ( I drive trucks for a "living" and this was the hardest I have ever hit something that hard). I freak out, thinking that something is broke. Get out, check it all, a.o.k. So I go to do the same turn, and literally do the same thing again. Into the ditch. Swear. Slam it out. Abram is laughing. I am pissed and in disbelief. I try for a third time and make it.

As we are driving down the road, in a fit of rage, I decide I need a cigarillo (Swisher, of course). I pull one out, and light it. It doesn't take. I suck harder. The thing is literally burning, and I am sucking in the grossest smoke I have ever tasted. I flip on the light, and realize I am trying to light the filter, and sucking in the other end. Grossest and stupidest thing I have ever done.
Moral: look at what you try to light.